
Crookedstone Road solar

Key numbers


system size


completion date


funding from Lightsource bp


annual electricity demand supplied

2,354 tonnes

carbon emissions saved per year

Current status

Site selection

Preliminary assessment design

Planning application

Discharge of planning conditions


Ownership transferred

4.8MWdc powering Belfast International Airport

In 2016, Lightsource bp signed a 25-year Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Belfast International Airport for what was then the largest solar project to connect to a UK airport.

Lightsource bp hard-wired a 4.84MWp (Megawatts peak) off-site solar farm into the Belfast International Airport private network – providing 27% of the airport’s annual electricity demand. The project was funded, installed and is now operated by Lightsource bp, with Belfast International Airport buying the clean electricity produced by the solar farm. After the first ten months of operation, Belfast International Airport announced savings of over £100,000, making a major impact on the airport’s cost base.

By hardwiring the solar farm directly into the airport, Lightsource bp has provided it with a source of renewable energy, reduced energy costs and boosted its green credentials by saving 2,345 tonnes of carbon emission each year. At certain peak generation times, the airport has run on solar power alone for almost nine hours.

A PPA enables Lightsource bp to finance and develop utility-scale solar and energy storage solutions. Locating them on land near to major energy users such as factories, warehouses, data centres, transport hubs, leisure centres, chemical plants and water treatment facilities.

Information and resources

We’ve put together a collection of resources for anyone who’d like to know more about our Crookedstone Road solar project:

Videos of our Crookedstone Road Solar farm

Here are some project specific updates:

Belfast International Airport – Solar PPA at Crookedstone Road, NI

Lightsource BP developed and connected Northern Ireland’s first ever large-scale solar farm. This pioneering renewable energy project was also the first ground based solar power station to be completed on the island of Ireland.

Get in touch

We are always on hand to assist with any enquiries. You can contact us via email or phone our customer services team.

info@lightsourcebp.com 03332000755

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