Pentir Energy Storage Project
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/228MWh battery
battery containers (or equivalent)
acres of land (approx)
operational life
Site selection
Preliminary assessments, site design and community engagement
Planning application
Discharge of planning conditions
Lightsource bp has received planning permission for an energy storage project at Pentir, Bangor, Gwynedd. We will fund and operate a 57MW/228MWh (4-hour duration) energy storage project connected into the local electricity network. The project will facilitate the integration of renewable energy into the grid, helping to support low-cost electricity and the enhanced reliability of the electricity grid.
We’ve chosen this site after careful consideration, and we have undertaken a wide range of environmental assessments to help shape our plans. These include landscape and visual, heritage, ecology, noise, flooding and more.
A key part of developing plans for the energy storage project is engaging with local communities, so we held an information event on 21st May between 3pm – 6pm at the Neuadd Bentref Rhiwlas Village Hall, Rhiwlas, Bangor, Gwynedd LL57 4GA, to display our plans and gather feedback. We sent out an information leaflet to the local community, as well as a press release to local newspapers, inviting interested parties to join us at the event. Members of the Lightsource bp team were on hand to answer any questions about the proposal.
Following submission of the planning application, the project was reviewed by the planning committee, who voted to approve.
Information & Resources
Please see below for information about the Pentir project and energy storage in general.
Click here to read the project information leaflet.
Click here to find out more about Lightsource bp energy storage projects in general.

Consultation documents
- 1. Application
- 2. Plans and elevations
3. Planning documents
Arboricultural Impact Assessment
Cultural Heritage Desk Based Assessment
Desktop Study and Preliminary Risk Assessment
Green Infrastructure Statement
Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment
Noise Survey and Acoustic Report
Outline Battery Safety Management Plan
Outline Construction Traffic Management Plan
Planning Design and Access Statement