
Consolidamos nuestra presencia en España con Torrubia, nuestro tercer proyecto en entrar en construcción este año

[December 16, 2021] Madrid – Lightsource bp, the world’s leading company in the development and management of solar energy projects, begins the construction of Torrubia, the third project in Spain to start construction in 2021. To finance this project, the company has been able to resort to the line of credit that recently closed for a value of 1,800 million dollars. The Torrubia plant, located in La Muela, Zaragoza municipality, will have a total installed capacity of 49.96 MWp. In this sense, the company plans to make an investment of more than 35 million euros, which will generate approximately 150 local jobs.

Lightsource bp thus continues to add projects under construction in Aragon and continues to bet on this region as a strategic enclave for its growth in Spain. With Torrubia, the company already has eight photovoltaic plants in this autonomous community: the Barrica group, made up of two solar plants located in Teruel, with a total capacity of 100MW, and Vendimia, a cluster of five solar plants located in the province of Zaragoza with a total capacity of 247MW.

The construction and commissioning of these projects contribute significantly to the development of the local economy of Aragon, increasing the arrival of new investment in the community, accruing local taxes and promoting job creation in the provinces where the photovoltaic plants are located.

Fernando Roger, Country Head of Lightsource bp Spain , has stated that “the start of the construction of Torrubia marks another milestone in our growth in Spain, showing our confidence in the country as a strategic market for the development and promotion of solar energy in Europe. In addition, this plant becomes a testament to our financial strength, experience in project delivery and commitment to continue decarbonising the Spanish energy market in line with the ambitious objectives established by the PNIEC”.

Además, Roger ha querido remarcar el rol que juega España en la estrategia de crecimiento global de Lightsource bp y es que “en lo que va de año ya hemos iniciado la construcción de Barrica y Torrubia, mientras inaugurábamos Vendimia, actualmente ya en operación. Además, en España contamos con una cartera de casi  de proyectos en desarrollo, que contribuirá significativamente a la consecución de nuestro objetivo de alcanzar los 25GW a nivel mundial en 2025.”

Tecnología e innovación al servicio de los entornos locales

Torrubia se construirá utilizando la última tecnología solar y contará con 93.120 paneles solares bifaciales distribuidos en 122 hectáreas. Los paneles serán instalados en seguidores de un solo eje, que optimizan la orientación de estos hacia el sol y permiten maximizar la producción de energía renovable. Para llevar a cabo las tareas de EPC  Lightsource bp ha seleccionado a la empresa española Grupotec, especialista en ingeniería.

Se espera que Torrubia esté en pleno funcionamiento a finales de 2022. Una vez que esté operativa, la planta solar producirá suficiente electricidad renovable para abastecer a 22.688 hogares españoles.

Por otro lado, Lightsource bp no sólo impulsa la inversión y la creación de empleo en las economías locales de España, sino que además apuesta por la sostenibilidad ambiental aplicada a cada proyecto. De hecho, las plantas solares de Lightsource bp se construyen siempre de manera responsable, llevando a cabo programas de monitorización ambiental para garantizar que se integren en la zona en la que se ubican y que el terreno esté cuidado según las mejores prácticas de la industria.

Specifically, Torrubia will be built taking into account the characteristics of the territory, respecting and promoting local biodiversity. In this regard, shrub species such as thyme and rosemary will be planted, which will also reduce the visual disturbance of the environment and, at the same time, the local flora will be improved. Likewise, the perimeter fence has been designed to allow the passage of small fauna; that you will find in Torrubia a natural environment protected from predators. Finally, the company will leave an area of ​​8.26 hectares fallow, which will constitute a feeding habitat and refuge for steppe birds.

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