FAQ – Brechin Castle solar

Frequently asked questions

  • What are the projected jobs available during the construction phase of the project?

    For the construction period May 1, 2024, through March 30, 2025, we expect to have opportunities in several trades.


    graph showing jobs creation

  • How many persons have been employed from the fenceline communities?

    As the project ramps up, the need for additional labour is anticipated and the project will be giving priority to the fence line community to suitably qualified persons from the community to join the team. The main contractor Grupotec and their sub-contractors will maximise community participation directly through employment and indirectly through the provision of goods and services from neighboring businesses.

    As of May 17, 2024, eight (8) people that are residents of the fence line communities have been employed at the solar project and incorporate Claxton Bay (incorporating Sum Sum Hill, Cedar Hill, Soledad and Pranz Gardens) and Springvale.

  • What is the process for applying for employment on the solar project?

    Following the initial recruitment drive, the job application procedure during the construction phase of the project has been simplified.

    Below are the steps to follow to be considered for roles on the project team as they arise:

    Physical job applications submissions

    • Collect an application form at Guard booth at the site entrance on Coco Road
    • Complete the form and submit into the physical job application drop box


    Email/online job application submissions

  • Where can I get assistance with the job application process?

    Please contact the Gruptotec office at 433-2166 between the hours of 8am-2pm if you require assistance completing job application forms.

  • What can I expect after applying for a role?

    All new applicants will be contacted within 3 business days.

    Hiring will be timed to the requirements of the project and will be informed by the progress of the construction works. Persons who have already applied are held in a database and will be contacted for upcoming employment opportunities.

    For any queries, please call the Grupotec office at 433-2166 between the hours of 8am-2pm.

  • What opportunities are there for contractors to provide goods and services to the project?

    As far as possible, small and medium businesses from the fenceline community including those that support workers on the site, such as food and beverage stalls will be supported.

    If you are interested in understanding the opportunities that exist, please contact Grupotec Industrial Relations Officer for further details on 433-2166.

  • Who are the contractors from the project and where are they from?

    The project’s construction is being delivered by Grupotec, a specialist solar construction company based in Spain. Grupotec is the project’s main contractor and is supported by specialized Trinidad and Tobago sub-contractors.

  • How is the project going to manage possible environmental impacts to the community?

    The project has environmental approval from the EMA and is governed by a series of management plans to manage impacts on the community.

    The project has a dedicated Health Safety and Environment team who provide oversight to ensure that environmental and social obligations are always met.

    For any complaints, grievances regarding potential environmental impacts that may be observed, please contact the Community Liaison Officer directly at 389-7152.

  • When will the site be re-opened?

    The site has re-opened. There will be a period of time to establish the construction works and reach full productivity and hire more personnel.

  • What areas comprise the fenceline communities?

    The communities that have been identified and engaged by the project to date are:

    • Dow Village
    • Esperanza
    • Phoenix Park
    • Winsor Park
    • Maingotville / Cedar Hill
    • Sum Sum Hill / Soledad
    • Pranz Garden (Claxton Bay)
    • Friendship
    • Diamond Village and Savonetta Estate
    • Springvale


    The project will continue the community engagement process and the fenceline community will be further defined.


    Satellite image of project fenceline

  • How will the project continue to engage with fence line stakeholders?

    The project is committed to ongoing engagement with the community. This will be managed through regular updates to the website project page, and through virtual and in person community updates.

    The project also has a dedicated Community Liaison Officer who can be reached at 389-7152 and Industrial Relations Officer who can be reached at 433-2166, and who are available to answer questions or address concerns.

    Through our ongoing engagement processes and as we continue to build our knowledge of community stakeholder groups, we will use our best endeavours to ensure we are engaging as widely as possible.