Lightsource bp heads to NPC

Last week saw three members of our Irish Development team take up a stall at the National Ploughing Championships in Ratheniska. It was our first trip to the NPC since 2015, and it was a brilliant chance to connect with the rural community and speak to the local individuals and businesses we are dedicated to supporting. Two days of beautiful weather gave way to a downpour on the final day, but that wasn’t enough to dampen our spirits!

We’re always keen to speak to local landowners about the benefits that partnering with Lightsource bp could bring their business. Landowners and communities across Ireland are seeing first-hand how solar pays off, and with several projects successfully developed, constructed and connected on the island, Lightsource bp is increasingly Ireland’s trusted partner for solar land leases that deliver secure, long-term income to landowners. If you’re interested in leasing your land for solar, please contact us or email

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