Lightsource bp Will Boost Solar Power in Ireland

Lightsource bp announces its commitment to develop solar power in Ireland

Lightsource Renewable Energy announces an investment of significant resource and expertise into Ireland for the development of solar power installations. The ease of deployment, scalability and safety of solar panels has seen this technology become the most popular electricity generator in many regions, including in the UK.

Nick Boyle, Lightsource’s CEO and a native of County Antrim, comments: “We are excited by the opportunity for solar power in Ireland. Lightsource is committing significant financial investment and resource towards realising this opportunity. Any risks associated with the development of these solar projects, including installation costs, will be borne by Lightsource. This commitment will not only add to sustainable electricity generation in Ireland, it will also strengthen the local economy and supply chain.”

“Our ground-mounted solar projects will provide much-needed land diversification for farming enterprises, and our rooftop systems will enable schools, businesses and community buildings to reduce overhead costs. It really is a win-win for local communities,” said Mr Boyle.

Visit Lightsource’s Ireland website here

By 2030, 27% of Ireland’s energy will need to come from renewable sources, according to the Government. Over the coming months, the European Union will announce new renewable energy targets for member states. In its report published in February, the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland said Ireland’s 2013 renewable energy production contributed 7.8% of the country’s final energy demand, putting Ireland almost halfway towards the target set of 16% under the European Union’s Renewable Energy Directive by 2020. The Government will shortly publish a new Energy Policy 2015-2030. Earlier this month, US President Barack Obama announced a major climate change plan, and called on energy users to shift from traditional fossil fuels to cleaner alternatives, including solar power.

Mr Boyle adds: “The benefits from solar power are very immediate and tangible. Farmers and landowners can continue their agricultural activities by grazing small livestock around ground-mounted panels. With rooftop installations, our customers have experienced over a 60% reduction in daytime electricity costs.”

Lightsource believes that, with proper incentives, solar can deploy 1.5 Gigawatts of generating capacity by 2020 (which is enough sustainable and clean electricity to power over 495,000 local households), meeting over 5% of Ireland’s electricity demand.

Mr Boyle concludes: “We have always been focused on building long-term relationships as we are the lifetime operator of all our projects. With an office in Dublin and locally employed staff, we will provide investment, expertise and support to businesses and local communities looking to reap the rewards of solar power.”

For more information on Lightsource Renewable Energy visit the website or email or phone 01 685 6263

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