Meeting the community at Castlegarden

Last month, three members of the Lightsource bp Irish development team travelled to Kilkenny and set up shop in The Long Man, to display our plans for a new solar project to the local community. The Castlegarden Solar Farm will produce enough energy to power 19,834 homes a year, and will save the same amount of CO2 emissions as taking 21,287 fuel-burning cars off the road.

Our team spoke to over 30 members of the public over the course of the afternoon, discussing our plans, answering questions and giving out additional information. Engaging with the local community is a key part of our development process – we select our sites carefully, conduct a wide range of environmental assessments and then reveal our plans to the local area to ask for further feedback. To find out more about our Castlegarden solar project, and to get in touch with our team, take a look at our project page.

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