United Kingdom

Annual Gender Pay Gap Report Published in the UK

At Lightsource bp we firmly believe in the importance of a diverse, supportive, equality-driven work force, and we’re proud of everything we’ve done to create one. We’ve just released our second annual Gender Pay Gap Report, which covers our gender differences in terms of population, pay and bonus levels from March 2017 to March 2018. The previous year, we reported a gap of 1.2% in favour of men (compared to the UK mean, which was 17.4% according to ONS), and this year our mean gender pay gap is 6%, in favour of women. This result is much lower than the UK average (this year 8.6% in favour of men), and is largely due to the composition of our workforce. We’ve made a number of new hires across the Group, and the number of women in higher paying roles has increased, which is something we’re very proud of.

Our employees are drivers of our success, as is our status as a fair employee with a track record of gender equity in hiring and compensation. Our approach has always been to attract, select and retain the right person for each position, regardless of gender, sexuality, personal beliefs, identity and ethnicity. Despite this year’s impressive results, we’re not complacent – we’ll continue working hard to make sure that equality and fairness is at the heart of our company policies and practices. Lightsource bp will continue to publish an annual Gender Pay Gap Report, despite falling below the threshold of businesses required to do so, as evidence of our dedication to fair pay and transparency.