Maen Hir Solar and Energy Storage

The project

Lightsource bp is developing Prosiect Maen Hir, a scheme with an anticipated generation capacity of 360 megawatts (MW) alternating current (AC). This means it could produce enough clean energy to power over 140,000 homes (equivalent) and avoid over 70,000 tonnes of CO2 annually.

Subject to being consented, the project would seek to bring economic, community and environmental benefits, and in doing so play a key part in the Isle of Anglesey County Council’s Energy Island Programme, which seeks to position the Island at the forefront of low carbon energy research and development, production and servicing.

It would also make a significant contribution to Welsh Government targets to achieve Net Zero by 2050 and have 70 per cent of electricity consumption generated from renewable sources by 2030, as well as wider national aims to increase solar capacity fivefold by 2035.

The extent of the land available to deliver Prosiect Maen Hir comprises approximately 1,234 hectares (ha) across three linked sites: an area near Rhosgoch and Bodewryd (‘Maen Hir North’), to the south-east of Llanerchymedd (‘Maen Hir South’), and around the northern and eastern periphery of Llyn Alaw (‘Maen Hir Central’). The land predominantly consists of agricultural fields, with an area of brownfield land close to Rhosgoch which was formerly a Shell oil depot.

At this early stage, we have not yet finalised the design for the scheme. We need to determine how much of the land would be used:

  •  for solar panel modules and associated equipment, including the project substation and battery energy storage system (BESS),
  •  for accesses and temporary compounds for construction,
  • to create or enhance habitats for biodiversity, and buffer zones to maintain distance between equipment and homes, landscape features, and Public Rights of Way.

The proposals also include 5MW solar farm to fund benefits for the local community, opportunities to increase infrastructure, and create new recreational spaces. If consented, the land under and around the solar panels (known as PV arrays) will remain grassland and be managed by grazing or mowing to protect soil resources and agricultural land quality.

Please click below to find out more about the project in our FAQs.

The development process

We previously shared our ambition to develop a solar farm in this location in 2021 when we first shared information about our proposals for Môn Solar. Since our initial phase of consultation on proposals for Môn Solar, the scheme continued to evolve. Additional land suitable for solar development has been made available, which enabled an increase in the anticipated generation capacity of the project.

Accounting for these developments, the project has the potential to generate 360MW, which means it is classified as a (UK) Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP).

The development consenting regime for an NSIP comes under the Planning Act 2008, which means we need to apply to the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) for a Development Consent Order (DCO) to build Prosiect Maen Hir.

PINS, acting on behalf of the Secretary of State for the Department of Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ), will carry out an examination of our proposals and then make a recommendation to the Secretary of State on whether to grant consent for the development. The Secretary of State will then make a final decision on whether to grant consent for our scheme.

Our latest proposals for Prosiect Maen Hir supersede previous proposals for Môn Solar.

Where we are now

In November 2023, in accordance with the pre-application process for NSIPs, we submitted our Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Scoping Request to PINS. This document sets out all those environmental, social and health issues likely to be most important to the project and establishes the boundaries of the work being conducted to produce the final Environmental Statement for the proposed scheme.

Following our submission of the EIA Scoping Request, PINS then consulted prescribed (statutory) consultees on this document and responded to us in the form of a Scoping Opinion. This Opinion has helped inform our ongoing technical surveys and environmental assessments required to develop our proposals for Prosiect Maen Hir.

The findings from this work will be set out in the Preliminary Environmental Information Report (PEIR) along with detailed maps and plans. This document will be presented as part of a statutory consultation we anticipate holding later this year. In statutory consultation we invite the local communities, organisations, and groups with an interest in the project to provide their views and feedback on our proposed development.

Please find a plan showing the location of the site areas below.

Please click below to find out more about the project in our FAQs.

Engagement and consultation with local communities

We originally anticipated that we would consult on our proposals for Prosiect Maen Hir before the summer. However, since submitting our EIA Scoping Request, key elements of our project including the extent of the land available to accommodate the solar development, areas to create new or enhance existing habitats for biodiversity, as well as buffer zones to maintain a respectful distance between equipment and existing homes, landscape features, and Public Rights of Way, have evolved. We now expect statutory consultation will take place Autumn 2024.

Ahead of consultation taking place, it is our aim to help local communities gain a better understanding of what our project might mean for them, so that we can address any issues arising through the ongoing development process as best as possible.

We are therefore holding events ahead of consultation so you can find out more about our ongoing work and share any thoughts you may have as we continue to refine our proposals.

Please see these events listed below, no booking necessary:

  • David Hughes Village Hall, High Street, Cemaes LL67 0HL – August 6th, 11am – 4pm
  • Brynteg Community Hall, Brynteg, LL78 8JL – August 7th, 11am – 4pm
  • Station Cafe, Bridge Street, Llannerch-y-medd, LL71 8EU – August 8th, 11am – 4pm
  • Llangefni Town Hall, Bulkeley Square, Llangefni, LL77 7LR – August 20th, 11am – 4pm

We will also be attending the Anglesey Show, (13-14 August) where people can find out more about the project and speak to members of the project team.

We know that people are worried about how the project could affect them and the treasured landscape of the island. We know communities have concerns about the impact of construction traffic on local roads, and use of agricultural land for solar energy. We are also aware of concerns about whether the project will contribute to the to the local economy. We remain committed to engaging with the community. Through engagement and consultation, the community can contribute to making the project the best it can be, delivering affordable, renewable energy, and wider environmental and community benefits over the project’s lifetime.

The benefits

If built, Prosiect Maen Hir would…

Support Isle of Anglesey County Council’s Energy Island Programme and help meet national and regional net zero targets

Enhance local biodiversity through the creation of new wildlife habitats and a potential for continued agricultural use (e.g. livestock grazing, wildflower planting)

Provide long-term energy affordability as solar is the cheapest way to generate electricity

Work with Grŵp Llandrillo Menai and Bangor University to create educational opportunities for residents and students

Create new jobs and invest in local businesses, as well as contribute to local tax revenue

Improve recreational and amenity resources for the local community and visitors (e.g. new permissive paths, cycle routes)

Provide a 5MW community solar scheme

Help secure energy independence and security by improving the reliability of our national power supply

Register for updates

To read our latest community newsletter issued in July 2024, please click here.

We remain committed to open and transparent engagement with the community throughout this process.

To stay informed about Prosiect Maen Hir, you can sign up to receive project updates directly to your inbox. Please complete the form below to register with us and be kept up to date with any news and developments regarding the proposals, including when more information about the proposed development and upcoming community events become available.

In the meantime, we are always on hand to assist with any of your enquiries regarding Prosiect Maen Hir, and have established project-dedicated communications lines for you to get in touch, Mon-Fri from 9am to 5pm:

  • Email: maenhir@lightsourcebp.com
  • Freephone: Welsh: 08081 756663 / English: 08081 756375
  • Freepost (free of charge; no need for a stamp): FREEPOST MAEN HIR PROJECT

Register for updates

Use this form to register for updates, or get in touch using the details below:

maenhir@lightsourcebp.com Welsh: 08081 756663 / English: 08081 756375

*Indicates required field

Document library

Here you can find all project documentation, from most recent to least.

Pink flowers growing on a solar farm

Môn Solar

Although currently inoperative, the webpage dedicated to Môn Solar Farm remains publicly available to access via this link.

To view the most up-to-date information regarding the proposals, please remain on this webpage to see the Prosiect Maen Hir Project Description and FAQs set out above.