Spain: Collaboration on research project to study Lesser Kestrel habitats

Lightsource bp has signed a collaboration agreement with scientists from the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) Biological Station in Spain to support a scientific study on the habitat use of the Lesser Kestrel in Andalusia. The objective of the project is to analyse the relationship between theses migratory birds and different land uses, including solar farms.

Nine Lesser Kestrels have been tagged with a GPS device to monitor how different land use impact the distribution of the species and its movement patterns. The study, which has been carried out in Seville since spring 2024, will last one year, with the possibility of being extended annually, depending on the results of this first phase.

The CISC is the largest public research institution in Spain and the seventh in the world, with more than 5,000 projects underway each year. The study, in collaboration with this prestigious scientific institution, is an important opportunity for Lightsource bp to actively contribute to research.

This project is one of many environmental initiatives supported by Lightsource bp. The company also supports the protection of local fauna by installing hives for pollinator species, nesting boxes for birds and insect hotels.

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